What I Do

No one will listen to you the way I do!

I work with accomplished, committed people determined to live a life of meaning and purpose; those who want to make a difference in the life of others.

I help clients get into action, stay in action and learn from the experience.

I help clients build resilience and navigate change.

I ask the tough questions, provide powerful tools and take a stand for you creating and achieving what you want and who you want to BE in your work and life.  I offer my clients a committed partnership, unconditional support, and unwavering accountability to keep them moving toward their goals and desired future.

Our coaching conversations are the impetus for you to take bolder action, think bigger and get the results you want.  We will address the question, “Why would anyone want to follow you.”  We will:

  • define what it means to you to be a leader;
  • build your self-awareness and emotional intelligence (EQ);
  • examine your integrity and trustworthiness,
  • explore various forms and degrees of reflection and mindfulness; and
  • practice ways of modeling leadership throughout your organization.

I help you cut through the confusion and negative chatter to identify the deep assumptions and belief systems that impact your behavior and results. The outcome is a conscious shift in mindset.

No one will listen to you the way I do.  No one will hold you accountable or acknowledge you the way I do.  Our conversations will expand your capacity to lead with integrity, reach your potential and live a more alive and rewarding life.  This quote from Henry Kimsey-House et al. in Co-Active Coaching says it best:

Coaching is not about solving problems, although problems will be solved.  It is not primarily about improving performance, attaining goals or achieving results, although all of that will certainly happen over time in an effective coaching relationship.  We believe that coaching is chiefly about discovery, awareness and choice.  It is a way of effectively empowering people to find their own answers, encouraging and supporting them on the path as they continue to make important life-giving and life-changing choices.

This is the work I do.  This is what Great Leader Coaching is all about.  Click here to find out more.